
Count placed sequences based on taxon level, function and quality score


Semidán Robaina Estévez (, 2021


usage: metatag count [-h] [args] 


short long default help
-h --help show this help message and exit
--taxtable None path to placements taxonomy table file
--taxlevels None specify space-separated tax levels to count hits
--cluster_ids None list of space-separated target cluster ids of the reference tree corresponding to the selected function to filter counts. If not provided, then all clusters in the tree are considered for counting.
--score_threshold None cluster score threshold value to filter placement results
--outdir None path to output directory
--prefix None prefix to be added to output files
--export_right_queries export a tsv file containing queries with cluster assginments that passed provided filters (--score_threshold and/or --cluster_ids)