Translate assembly sequence data and assign positional metadata to labels


usage: pynteny build [-h] [args] 


short long default help
-h --help show this help message and exit
-i --data None path to assembly input nucleotide data or annotated GenBank file. It can be a single file or a directory of files (either of FASTA or GeneBank format). If a directory, file name is prepended to the label of each translated peptide originally coming from that file (i.e., to track the genome of origin)
-x --prepend-filename whether to prepend file name to peptide sequences when a directory with multiple fasta or genbank files is used as input.
-o --outfile None path to output (labelled peptide database) file. Defaults to file in directory of input data.
-p --processes None set maximum number of processes. Defaults to all but one.
-t --tempdir None path to directory to store temporary files. Defaults to system temp directory.
-l --log None path to log file. Log not written by default.


Translate nucleotide assembly file and assign contig and gene location info to each identified ORF (using prodigal). Label predicted ORFs according to positional info and export a fasta file containing predicted and translated ORFs. Alternatively, extract peptide sequences from GenBank file containing ORF annotations and write labeled peptide sequences to a fasta file.